Hoflunds syndrome in Simmental calf associated with respiratory syndrome in feedlot
This report describes a case of Hoflund’s syndrome in a calf associated with Bovine Respiratory Disease (BRD) on a farm that was diagnosed in May 2023. This case involves a chronically bloated male Simmental calf with clinical findings that included abnormal body symmetry, reduced rumen motility, apathy, a negative foreign body test, maldigested faeces, and normal body temperature and continued bloating. Abdominal distension clearly affected the entire left side of the abdomen and the relaxed right ventral quadrant of the abdomen. Based on the clinical picture and non-response to the applied therapy for chronic bloating, this case was indicative of Hoflund’s syndrome type I as the cause of chronic bloating. After rumenotomy and examination of the available parts of the rumen and reticulum, no changes were found that could be related to the cause of the bloating. The appearance of flatulence was related to an episode of BRD in the feedlot, where in this case, the appearance of flatulence began in the recovery phase and during treatment of the presented case. After euthanasia, a significant damaged lung parenchyma was noted in the form of emphysematous and atelectasis changes with small deposits of fibrin on the lung lobes. One notable finding of this study was the demonstration of a causal relationship between BRD and the occurrence of Hoflund’s syndrome in the calf. Our case represents a significant finding towards improving our understanding of this disease and in providing effective prevention of the occurrence of respiratory diseases in feedlots.